
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

More updates

I didn't expect to be making daily posts with this blog but I expected one a week. The past week or so has been a bit nutty and work hours have gone up. I'm at almost 60hrs/wk. now. That makes it tough to do anything around the house and when I get home I want to blog about it less than do it. I've made some progress on the entryway and I have a post about done I just need to get some photos out of the camera. Oh yeah, we're also in the middle of refinancing and had all the makings of a blizzard yesterday. Don't worry though, being Northwest Indiana it will all melt in a day or two. All or nothing around here. Combine all that with the stomach bug I'm coming down with and pretty soon the only thing I'll be able to do is blog.

For now, check out this LA Times article on Jack Webb's former home in Palm Springs.
It's a cool home, and I'm a big Dragnet fan anyway.,0,5745730.photogallery